Tag Archives: focused

Remember Young Heart

Remember Young Heart
By Te’Kia Miller

Remember why you are here young heart.
You are not here to make friends.
But if you do, it is okay.
Remember why you are here young heart.
You are not here to stay.
You are just passing by.
The end goal is to reach your dreams.
They do not live here,
Where you are unfulfilled and dissatisfied.
They do not live here where you are
Discouraged and surrounded by the weights
Of other’s negativity.
They do not live here where you must
Constantly prop up your joy with splints
And muddle through a show.
They do not live here where others
Will try to puppeteer you
Where they want you.
They will try to finesse you
Into things that will encumber you.
And think you don’t see the strings
They’re holding behind their backs.
Remember why you are here young heart.
You are just passing by
Until you reach your dreams.
